Ana Cristina Dias

She is a Banking Director.

In 2007 started to learn Flamenco and Sevillanas in Escola Flamenca Oeiras (EFO) of Portugal,  participating in all the events of the school. In 2012 she started to learn dances with castanets: Sevillanas, Flamenco and later on Bolera School.

In 2019 she started to learn Concert Castanets. Participation in several shows through out the country. In February 2023 participated in 1st  International Castanet Competition in Madrid organized by Teresa Laiz representing Coro EFO, where they were semi-finalists.  In April and July 2023 representing EFO was part of a castanet choir and performed with Filharmonic Orchestra of Porto Salvo.

She currently studies at the Teresa Laiz International Castanet School and is a member of the Madrid Castanet Choir.