DJ Shin 🇺🇸 USA


DJ Shin is an engaging pianist with an innate passion for classical music. He started taking lessons from Mr. Hyunsoo Kim in January 2022. DJ also participated in many piano camps during summer 2022, such as the Summer Institute at Baylor University and the Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard Piano Camp, where Dr. Vivian Chang noted of his performance, “I was on the edge of my seat the whole piece,” and Dr. Elizabeth Schuman praised his “great taste, color and tone.” DJ also plays the flute and violin; he has received master classes from Professor Marianne Gedigian and Kim Scott for flute. He takes private flute lessons from Monica Song. As a participant in the Dallas Symphonic Festival—Winds Junior Sonata, he received third place. He was the State finalist for music composition from PTA Reflection. He is also a member of the Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra.

First Tier Performance: Debussy: Pour Le Piano, Prelude