Jenaro Sosa

Graduated from the Yucatán Higher School of Arts with a degree in Classical Ballet, as well as from the Nellie and Gloria Campobello National Dance School with a degree in Spanish Dance.

Since 2014 she continued her professional training in Spanish dance with the Mexican teacher and dancer Pilar Rioja. This has boosted his career as a dancer and teacher of this genre.

Since 2010, Jenaro Sosa has worked as a dancer, choreographer, director and teacher in different Mexican companies and institutions.

In addition, he has continued his training outside of Mexico, at the Columbus Dance Theater company, under the direction of Seth Wilson and Jaime Kotrba.

As a dancer, he has performed in some of the most important spaces in the Mexican Republic - the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the National Center for the Arts and the National Palace of Fine Arts - as well as in the United States and Colombia.

He is a professor at the Rioja Academy, directed by teacher Pilar Rioja.

In February 2024 he was awarded First Prize in the “Teresa Laiz” International Castanet Competition.