Paloma Aguado

She has a degree in Veterinary Medicine.

After having spent some time dancing flamenco as a non-professional, in 2018 she started playing castanets.

She studied the whole Castanet Method at Teresa Laiz International Castanets School.

She was a semi-finalist in the 1st and 2nd edition of the "Teresa Laiz" International Castanet Competition in 2023 and 2024.

She has performed in different spaces as Teatro Lara, Teatro de Flamenco de Madrid, Teatro Reina Victoria de Madrid, Iglesia de San Miguel de Brihuega, el Monasterio de Santa María de El Paular, Iglesia de San Ildefonso de Madrid.

She is a member of the Castanet Choir of Madrid, directed by Teresa Laiz.

With some other members of this choir they have created the group "Al son de las Castañuelas", with which they play in nursing homes altruistically.