Vladimir Dyo

​​Since his debut with the Kazakh State Symphony Orchestra at age 12, Vladimir Dyo has toured and performed at prestigious venues of the former USSR, Europe, Asia, and the United States, including Carnegie Hall, Walt Disney Hall, Seoul Arts Center, Rachmaninoff Hall, Tchaikovsky Hall, Column Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall, KBS Hall, UNESCO, United Nations General Headquarters etc. His individual tone and personal approach to phrasing set him apart from his peers. Critics write: "His mystic contour merged with the instrument and hypnotized the audience....Subtlety and flawlessness of Rachmaninoff's endlessly versatile music created such an emotional reaction with the audience that many had tears in their eyes..." (N. Zemlyakova, musicologist). "Dyo's Sarasate was dazzling..." (Michael Church, BBC World Service). "Vladimir Dyo is a violinist who plays with incredible energy and electricity. His rendition of my LEX was spectacular. His is a major talent who has very bright future ahead!" (Michael Daugherty, Grammy winner composer).